Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Hugh McNeil | Multiple Ships - Navy

6:35   |   He had a family by then, but Hugh McNeil was called back into service for the Korean War. This war was tougher on him than World War II because he was older and worried about his family. Serving on a carrier where the napalm was prepared and the Corsairs launched, his efforts helped stem the tide of the Chinese swarming over the Yalu River. Back in civilian life, he had to deal with PTSD, a condition which didn't even have a name yet.

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Videos ( 2 )
  • Hugh McNeil  |  WWII  |  Multiple Ships  |  7:39

    Navy enlistee Hugh McNeil joined the crew of a brand new LST in New Orleans, which promptly was damaged by a green officer and missed out on the convoy to Pearl Harbor. That meant the ship had to sail all the way there alone, with no escort. Once there, McNeil was witness to the widespread destruction of the surprise attack. The recruits were awed and frightened by the power of the enemy they faced.

  • Hugh McNeil  |  WWII  |  Multiple Ships  |  6:45

    Hugh McNeil describes what life on an aircraft carrier in the Pacific theater was like. As an Aviation Machinist's Mate, his job was to prep the aircraft for flights. A terrible typhoon and the suicide of a friend made for some unforgettable memories, and life on board was so tough and lonely, he learned to play the harmonica as a relief from the stress.

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