Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Carl Beck | 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division - Army

10:07   |   Operation Market Garden was a combined US and British air and ground assault which was intended to open up a route into Germany through Holland. Carl Beck was one of the thousands of airborne troops who jumped and he describes being fired on with those deadly German 88's. Part 1 of 3.

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Keywords   :     Carl Beck    paratrooper    Airborne    England    Lambourn    Scotland    Edinburgh    Douglas C-47 Skytrain    Holland    Operation Market Garden    Wilhelmina Canal    Juliana Canal    Rhine    Arnhem    Netherlands    British    Eindhoven    82nd Airborne Division    Nijmegen    Polish    A Bridge Too Far    M1919A6 Browning machine gun    rum    Forward Observer (FO)    88 mm gun    Eerde

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