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John Page | 5th Special Forces Group - Army

4:53   |   He knew right away how different it was. When John Page joined the 5th Special Forces Group at Phu Bai, he was greeted by a full colonel who gave him a classified briefing. It was nice to get a higher level view of what was going on. He was with the MACV Special Ops Group where his team included Chinese Nungs, very good fighters.

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Keywords   :     John Page    Special Forces (SF)    Vietnam    Hue    Phu Bai    Camp Eagle    Rest and Relaxation (R&R)    Australia    Sydney    Tet Offensive    Command and Control North (CCN)    classified    FOB 1    Recon Team (RT)    RT Rhode Island    Chinese Nungs    Spike Team (ST)    Military Assistance Command Vietnam - Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG)

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