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Bill Gessner | 1st Battalion, 9th Marines (Attached) - Navy

8:45   |   The fighting was hard. One company was ambushed and the other two were having a hard time breaking through to support it. Corpsman Bill Gessner was in the thick of the fight and as he was treating a wounded Marine, a hand grenade came into the hole and wounded him and killed two others.

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Keywords   :     Bill Gessner    Corpsman    Vietnam    Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN)    artillery    Laos    North Vietnamese Army (NVA)    Forward Observer (FO)    hand grenade    Medical Evacuation (Medevac)    Dong Ha    MIA Hill    Cam Lo    nightmare    Memorial Day    chaplain    Taps    3rd Medical Battalion    Phu Bai    Quang Tri

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