A fire damaged structure

View of the terrain from a foxhole

A Vietnamese bunker compound

A small Vietnamese home

Laundry hanging from the home shown in the previous photo

American gear on top of an above ground grave

A soldier posing in front of sandbags

Soldiers standing around outside a small outpost

Trying to relax inside an outpost

Sleeping on a hammock inside an outpost

Three men taking a break from combat duties inside an outpost

A unit relaxing at the outpost

Getting a haircut

Outline of a M-60 machine gun unit watching the area of operations

Drinking beer at the outpost

Soldier with an M-79 grenade launcher

Sleeping at an outpost built around a graveyard

A soldier posing outside of the outpost

A soldier with a M-79 grenade launcher out in the field

Soldiers resting alongside the road

Soldier with a M-79 grenade launcher outside the outpost

On bed rest

Resting at camp

A photo of the entrance to Camp Rowe and the Alpha Company Banner

Unit photo out in the field

Heading off into the field in the Mekong Delta

Wading through mud while heading off into the field

Wading through the Mekong River

Traversing the Mekong Delta

Wading through high water in the Mekong

US Army HQ 3rd BN 47th INF

Faded photo of a "Tiger Scout" and his ally