Corsair #3 crashes on Paengnyong-Do. (Malcom told to destroy it.)
A British fighter plane crashed and Ben Malcom is removing the radios.
A CIA B-26 aircraft (black) used to drop paratroopers.
A Corsair shot up over North Korea lands back on the carrier on fire.
C-47 shot up over North Korea & crashed on Chodo Island in North Korea. 8 KIA.
Corsair lands at high tide on Paengyong-Do and the pilot drowns.
Corsairs on a Navy carrier in the Yellow Sea.
GEN MacArthur departs Japan after being relieved by President Truman (1951).
Hans Tofte (CIA Director) on left and Dutch Kramer on right.
Leopard Base HQ on Paengyong-Do. (With AF helicopter on the pad.)
LT Ben Malcom & Mr. Pak Choi (D-4) in North Korea.
LT Ben Malcom in a AF (air rescue) helicopter.
LT Ben Malcom used demolition to destroy the Corsair airplane.
LT Ben Malcom with 2 captured 76mm anti-tank guns.
LT Malcom uses demolitions to destroy that plane.
LT Robert McBride (USMA-50) with some of our boats.
MIG-15 lands at Kimpo in 1953; only one that deserted North Korea.
Navy PPY-5 Amphibian plane shot up by MIG-15. Tail gunner KIA.
North Korean evacuation in Nov. 1950 (Near the Yalu River)
Old Baldy Mountain on the front lines in 1952 (see soldiers in fox holes)
Old rice grist mill on Paengyong-Do.
One of LT Malcom's boats on the coast of North Korea.
Our guerillas destroyed a train in North Korea.
Paengyong-Do island in 2006- still und).er South Korean control (125 miles NW).
Paratroopers dropping into North Korea.
Special Forces leaders in North Korea. CPT Don Seibert, LT Jim Mapp, and LT Ben Malcom.