A gun camera photograph shows Japanese planes burning on the ground in a strafing attack by Navy fighters from the CVE's.

A Japanese plane dives through the Flight Deck of the U.S.S. Natoma Bay. The flame and smoke of the explosion are shown.

A Japanese plane dives through the Flight Deck of the U.S.S. Natoma Bay. The flame and smoke of the explosion are shown

Assault on Iwo Jima- Crouching low against the storm of Japanese missiles, Marines charge from their beachhead position against the Japanese defenders.

Bearded Leatherneck gets medical treatment. His back shows a gaping wound.

Japanese airfield under attack on the island of Ie Shima, a few miles from Okinawa.
Japanese airfield with runways pitted by aerial and surface bombardment. (From an island off the coast of Iwo Jima from the USS Anzio)

Japanese cave on Iwo Jima.

Japanese planes dive bomb into ship and crash into sea

Japanese ''VAL,'' shot down by the turret gunner of a TBM torpedo plane, falls and burns on Okinawa.

Mountain Fortress- Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima

Pontoon barge unloading on the shifting black sand of the treacherous beach at Iwo Jima.

Suicide plane narrowly misses a CVE. Okinawa Operation April 17, 1945.
The Flight Deck looking aft after the fire had been extinguished. The elevator was blown upward by the explosion and fell back to the deck. (Action took place on the USS Sangamon)

The hole left in the Flight Deck by the Kamikaze. Below this hole, the plane hit the anchor windlass on the forecastle.

The sightless eyes of these Japanese defenders cannot see the approaching sunset of D-Day as they lie amid the ruins of their pillbox.

U.S. Marines land on the black volcanic sands of the beach at Iwo Jima. Ahead of them is the most desperate fighting in Marine Corps history.

U.S. Marines land on the black volcanic sands of the beach at Iwo Jima. Ahead of them is the most desperate fighting in Marine Corps history

U.S.S. Santee burning, following a suicide attack in the Second Battle of the Philippine Sea October 26, 1944. She lived to fight in other operations.
View of the Flight Deck looking forward after the fire had been extinguished. (Action took place on the USS Sangamon)

Wildcat falls in flames after being hit by anti-aircraft fire over Kerama Retto near Okinawa.

With smoke and bursts of anti-aircraft fire, a Japanese plane crashes into the sea near the destroyer which brought it down south of Luzon, 12-15-44.

Wrecked Japanese planes at Iwo Jima. Bomb pits indicate intensity of bombardment by Army and Navy planes.