6:54 | He was in Naval ROTC at Georgia Tech and was told to finish his studies, but the Navy decided he was needed in the war effort, so Harold Hardin went aboard the USS Saturn, a refrigerator ship, as one of five young ensigns. The Saturn plied the Atlantic waters, delivering food to bases and ships at sea. (This interview made possible with the support of LORETTA A. ANGERER.)
Keywords : Harold Hardin Atlanta GA Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) TA Marshall refrigerator ship Norfolk VA gunnery submarine (sub) USS Saturn (AF-40)
While his ship was docked in France, General George Patton came aboard and Lt. Harold Hardin got to meet him. He asked the feared leader why he cursed at his troops. This led to an intense, private moment between the two. When he wasn't scolding generals, Hardin was gunnery officer on a supply ship, dodging submarines and delivering food around the Atlantic. (This interview made possible with the support of LORETTA A. ANGERER.)