Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Bill Dahlman | 14th Armored Division - Army

2:42   |   Up in the Vosges Mountains in northern France, Bill Dahlman and his fellow soldiers encountered a roadblock where the Germans had built a wall across the road. They decide to stay the night, and by morning, they were greeted by sniper fire.

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Videos ( 1 )
  • Bill Dahlman  |  WWII  |  14th Armored Division  |  2:45

    On a night patrol, LT Bill Dahlman was riding on the back of a tank with four of his comrades. As they approached a bridge, they decided it would be best to go on foot to check and see if the area was clear of explosives. The moment Bill jumped off the tank, a mortar shell landed on him. His friends pulled him out and waited for a jeep to take him to a hospital. This injury would earn him a Purple Heart.

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