2:37 | As a replacement for soldiers killed in the "Battle of the Bulge," Edd Claunch headed for Germany at eighteen years old. Here he recalls his first life or death moments on the battlefield.
Keywords : Replacement Battle of the Bulge
Edd Claunch vividly describes the heavy artillery that he and his team of twelve men used to fight the Germans. He talks about foxholes, survival on the run, and outwitting the enemy.
In this chilling account, Edd Claunch describes how he felt about killing the Germans and a deadly incident among his fellow soldiers.
Edd Claunch describes the strange lights of submarines surrounding his ship, how overtaking the Germans became a reality, and finding out what happened to his wounded brother.
As an infantryman, Edd Claunch received a special badge. He describes its significance and tells a story of how one soldier earned it.
As American soldiers traveled through German villages, they took over and lived in the villagers' homes. Here Edd Claunch describes surprising reactions from German women and what they did next.
The American soldiers tried to use code words to identify each other. In this chilling account, Edd Claunch describes the deadly tricks the Germans played on them.