Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Diz Hanbey | U.S. Navy - Navy

1:59   |   Diz Hanbey remembers the harassment one of her fellow female sailors received from her own husband after she made the decision to join the Navy during World War II. Provided by Sal Strom. This interview is audio only.

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Videos ( 2 )
  • Diz Hanbey  |  WWII  |  U.S. Navy  |  1:50

    Diz Hanbey recalls a conversation she had with a fellow veteran who had been misled about the promiscuity of female service members during World War II. Provided by Sal Strom. This interview is audio-only.

  • Diz Hanbey  |  WWII  |  U.S. Navy  |  1:59

    Diz Hanbey remembers the harassment one of her fellow female sailors received from her own husband after she made the decision to join the Navy during World War II. Provided by Sal Strom. This interview is audio only.

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