Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Frank Pomroy | 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division - Marines

10:28   |   In an artillery barrage, if you're out in the open, you have to lay flat. Frank Pomroy tried to tell his friend that but the man was on his knees and got hit with shrapnel. This battle on Peleliu was the end of the line for a lot of Marines but not Frank. He joined in a patrol hastily organized by a lieutenant he encountered and they set out through a swamp. Part 3 of 4.

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Keywords   :     Frank Pomroy    Peleliu    Marvin Hattan    artillery barrage    shrapnel    Missing In Action (MIA)    Subic Bay    Chesty Puller    Joseph Fournier    patrol    replacements    sniper    machine gun

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