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Steve Long | Marine Light Helicopter Squadron 167 (HML-167) - Marines

7:48   |   He was learning the ropes at the Marble Mountain helicopter base. Avionics technician Steve Long had to pivot to Hueys because he'd trained on different aircraft. There were other duties, like working in the officers mess, which turned out to be a great deal. The cook liked him so much, he got a parting gift.

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Keywords   :     Steve Long    Vietnam    Aviation Electrical Systems Technician    avionics    Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion    Bell UH-1 Iroquois (Huey)    North American Rockwell OV-10 Bronco    Bell AH-1 Cobra    gunship    slick    gunner    mess    flight pay    .38 cal pistol    M-14    M-16    AR-15    Marine Observation Squadron (VMO)

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