Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Bill Galvan | Air Defense Command - Air Force

7:47   |   Bill Galvan remembers the camaraderie he felt with his fellow soldiers -- they knew each other, cared for each other and looked out for each other. He has fond memories of sharing this time with his countrymen.

More From Bill Galvan

Keywords   :     brotherhood    Band Of Brothers    Camaraderie    friendship    family    bond    Training    Vietnam    deployment

Videos ( 4 )
  • Bill Galvan  |  Vietnam  |  Air Defense Command  |  10:39

    Bill Galvan remembers joining the service and intending to become a medic so that he could continue his medical education, but the military had a different plan for him. While deployed to Germany, he had the chance to meet a Libyan military leader named Muammar Gaddafi.

  • Bill Galvan  |  Vietnam  |  Air Defense Command  |  11:07

    Bill Galvan remembers working on one of the first fighter interceptors and dealing with the struggles that came along with that. He tells of his current perspective on the military and the steps he takes today to welcome veterans back into normal life.

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