Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


David Samuels | 135th Assault Helicopter Company, 145th Combat Aviation Battalion - Army

6:24   |   The 135th AHC flew a lot of missions in support of many different units in the Mekong Delta, both US and South Vietnamese. Pilot David Samuels recalls that there were Korean Marines and one British mercenary, as well. It was dangerous work since their helicopters were constructed entirely of lightweight materials and were susceptible to damage from even small arms fire.

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Keywords   :     David Samuels    helicopter (chopper)    pilot    Vietnam    III Corps    IV Corps    Mekong Delta    mercenaries    Republic of Korea (ROK)    autorotate    surface-to-air missile (SAM)    Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG)    Quad 50    50 cal machine gun    tracers    Viet Cong (VC)

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