Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Bill Gessner | Multiple Units - Navy

4:07   |   Bill Gessner was at the advanced level of Navy Corpsman training when the reality of Vietnam hit home. Leave was cut short and orders were cut for him to join the Fleet. There was a huge need for replacement Corpsmen in the expanding war. He got lucky and served a Mediterranean tour first, which gave him a chance to train hard with a Marine unit. This may have saved his life later.

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Keywords   :     Bill Gessner    Corpsman    Vietnam    Newport Naval Hospital    Fleet Marine Force    Camp Lejeune    Camp Geiger    Mediterranean    Neil Downey    San Francisco CA    Okinawa    jungle training    Lockheed C-130 Hercules    Da Nang    Phu Bai    Dong Ha    Con Thien

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