Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Dionne Archibald | Multiple Ships and Units - Navy

3:52   |   After thirty years of service, Dionne Archibald left the Navy, but her passion to help people continued. Her non-profit organization Active Veterans With Answers acts as a bridge between veterans and the VA, to make sure they have access to all their benefits.

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Keywords   :     Dionne Archibald    Active Veterans With Answers    Veterans Administration (VA)

Videos ( 6 )
  • Dionne Archibald  |  Other  |  Multiple Ships and Units  |  3:45

    She was young and alone, but the Navy made sure there was someone to meet Dionne Archibald at the airport in Japan as she began her first assignment. She had no problem re-enlisting after her initial four year hitch and went to an advanced communications course before her next post. She lucked out on that one.

  • Dionne Archibald  |  Other  |  US Navy Recruiting  |  4:33

    Dionne Archibald was a top recruiter for the Navy. She was stationed in New York City on that fateful day when the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were hit by terrorists. She recounts the events as she experienced them, including a grim trip to the site.

  • Dionne Archibald  |  Other  |  Multiple Ships and Units  |  4:56

    Being stationed in Germany was a great assignment for Dionne Archibald because she always had a love of travel and that gave her a chance to see Europe. After she returned to the States, she was promoted to master chief and returned to recruiting as an equal opportunity specialist.

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