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BG Robert L. Stewart | Multiple Units - Army

4:34   |   Somewhere along the line, Army test pilot Bob Stewart had filled out an application to NASA and they called him. He went to Houston for a week of testing and an interview as a mission specialist.

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Keywords   :     Robert L. Bob Stewart    test pilot    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)    astronaut    mission specialist    Houston TX    George Abbey    Robert Stewart

Videos ( 16 )
Cold War
  • BG Robert L. Stewart  |  Cold War  |  Multiple Units  |  7:31

    Some of his pilot friends were recruited by the airlines but Bob Stewart had other ideas. He became a test pilot. They got the money but he had the fun. He was instrumental in bringing the Apache and Blackhawk helicopters into the Army's fleet of airships.

  • BG Robert L. Stewart  |  Cold War  |  Multiple Units  |  4:21

    Bob Stewart was walking on air. He just got a call from NASA that he was accepted as a mission specialist on the space shuttle program. He was going to be an astronaut, but first he had one more flight in his capacity as an Army test pilot.

  • BG Robert L. Stewart  |  Cold War  |  NASA Astronaut  |  5:20

    Bob Stewart arrived in Houston as the first active Army officer to become a space shuttle mission specialist. After a year of classes, he was given a technical task, develop the shuttle's entry flight control system. The first flight was scheduled for two years out but he had to give management some bad news.

  • BG Robert L. Stewart  |  Cold War  |  NASA Astronaut  |  7:58

    Bob Stewart was more nervous going to Vietnam than he was going into space the first time. You could get maimed in combat but in space you were either A-OK or completely gone. He made two flights on the space shuttle and, along with Bruce McCandless, made the first EVA with the new MMU, the Manned Maneuvering Unit.

  • BG Robert L. Stewart  |  Cold War  |  Multiple Units  |  6:16

    After the Challenger tragedy, NASA mission specialist Bob Stewart returned to the Army where they made him a general. He worked at the Strategic Defense Command, a legacy of Ronald Reagan's SDI program. At some point the Army wanted him in Washington DC, at which point he promoted himself to ski bum.

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